Projecting our Emotions

June 16, 2021

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously engage in when having to cope with undesirable emotions. It consists in projecting these difficult feelings onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with them. It happens to everyone from time to time especially with people with live in close proximity with. However, when it occurs repeatedly it can be severely damaging to those who surround us (who are probably just trying to help). Talking to them, like this writer seems to do, and asking for what you need in moments of pain (e.g., space and being alone rather than comfort) can be a good first step. As always, taking a non-judgmental look at ourselves and understanding where these emotions stem from can help us to move towards healthier coping strategies.

I apologise if I put my anger and pain on you. The truth is that you are the truest mirror there can be. The only one I can trust and that reflects exactly how I am feeling in any given moment. On some days (more often than not) I see reflected in you my qualities, my happiness, my personal growth. On my bad days, however, I have to hide from you because I know that in front of you I cannot lie. I know that if I look at you I'll see exactly everything I'm feeling. That's why when I'm in pain I can't interact with you or even look you in the eyes. I push you away and snap back at you every time you try to come close to me. That's why I cannot tolerate you asking me how I am feeling because it feels like you are locking me in a little room with this mirror and forcing me to look at myself.

I will be forever grateful to you for always being there for me and never leaving me. You wait until I'm ready to lift my gaze from the ground and see that even when I feel like I am completely lost, I always find myself in you.