Ready to share your thoughts?



Take you time! Are you thinking or feeling something you can't put into words ? Don't worry, this is normal. We are not always in the mood for writing. Wait for the right moment, it will come.


Think on Ink

Try releasing your thoughts on paper in whatever format works for you. Start by jotting down some words or brief sentences. They don't have to make sense. Don't overthink the structure and don't judge your thoughts. Just let your thoughts flow....


Share with other people

We have created this space to allow everyone to share their thoughts, experiences and feelings. Your words may help others to feel more understood and less alone.

We have disabled comments and likes because these pieces are not to be subject to any type of judgment. It is also completely anonymous.

We are not here to investigaste the possible reasons behind your feelings or draw any type of conclusions. This space is solely yours and you can decide how to use it.

Start writing...

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