Progress and Gratitude

December 8, 2021

Someone tells us about how progress and gratitude are two very important aspects and feelings during their journey of moving on from a person they lost (it is not clear what loss it may be, but it can be interpreted in any way). It's really nice how they recognise progress as a sign of moving forward, showing that we can and do change even when we feel stuck or when we feel like someone impedes us from doing so. Gratitude, instead, is important to remind ourselves to look at the glass half full and as the author says "life is pretty great without you too".

Progress & Gratitude

I feel like the emptiness you left me can only be filled up with two things: progress and gratitude. Progress is something i am actively seeking. Every time I find myself thinking of you, regretting my actions or being very triggered by something that reminds me of you, I try to re-direct my focus back to myself, to the sense of balance I am striving for and my progress as an individual. I try to do this gently but with consistency even when it’s hard. This not to say that I don’t let myself “grieve you”, but I try to distinguish between useful pain and a rumination that is a form of protection from dealing with reality. The more I realise I am moving forward, getting closer to the person I want to be (with myself and others) the more strength I gain to move on from you too. Gratitude instead comes to me unsolicited. They say gratitude often accompanies loss because it is easier to process than grief. But feeling grateful is also one of the most peaceful sensations I have ever experienced so I’m happy to let it flow. I am grateful for the extreme breakthrough that your presence and absence have brought to my life. I am grateful because you made me realise that I can connect to others in a way that I didn’t deem possible. In a free, non expectation bound way that allows for a level of depth that astounds me. I am grateful for feeling whole, resilient and powerful when I decided to let you go. I am grateful for things that have nothing to do with you too: like the autumn leaves, my best friend, the people I met this year, the wisdom of books, the power of happy songs in the morning while I brush my teeth…. (gratitude is like a muscle; you have to train it to look at the small things with eyes of gratitude). I try hard to hold onto that feeling so to realize that, no matter how good I felt with you, life is pretty great without you too.