I have faith in You

October 6, 2021

This week’s Think on Ink is on friendship and self-worth. The writer introduced the piece themselves so here it goes:“My friend and I are big fans of Shrink it Out. We always read your think on inks so I thought this was a good way to share some of my words and feelings towards them. I want to remind them to not question their worth even when people around them don’t seem to fully get them.”

I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner how much this was affecting your self-esteem and sense of worth. I have to say that I feel partly responsible for not telling them to ask you directly how you were because it definitely amplified the idea you have that they don't care about you. Sometimes I feel like I have to protect the people around me and I go out of my way to interrupt a dialogue that I think might hurt them, kind of like I can act as a shield. I realize, however, that this "shield" may have made you feel isolated and alone. I'm sorry about that. As for the probable underlying truth in your perception that "they don't see you". All I can say is that they don't know what they're missing out on. I wish you had the strength to not question your worth. I understand that you are too real and genuine to accept that the people you share so much time, energy with and who claim to know you actually have no interest in digging deep into the person you are. This says a lot about you. It shows that you don't put up with their acts, that you have a different degree of depth, that you are so many things that some group dynamics are simply too limiting for you. I'm sure that as you grow up you'll have the strength to not stay in things that feel to tight. I have faith in that. Even if you're afraid that this experience will bring nothing but regrets, I have faith in the future and in you.