I'm hurting when you hurt

May 4, 2022

A piece describing part of accepting other people's pain.

It sucks to feel helpless in the face of your pain. But I've learned that it's not about me, it's about you, so I have to let go of feeling helpless, because it won't help you… and all I want is to help you. Once I get past that, though, the debilitating empathy I feel for you remains.  

I’m hurting when you hurt. Not because you don't want to talk to me, want to be alone, or because you resent me. I hurt because you're a part of me, and seeing you like this is dreadful. I wish I could inhale up all the happiness in the world with just one breath, and blow it on you gently, because you're the only one for me who deserves it all the way. I hurt because I feel your pain, and even I can't explain it. I hurt in the same way I hurt for myself and I don't know what to do to make it better.  

You are a limb to me, like my arm.