
October 26, 2022

Reflecting on how people change after relationships and how connections can transform but stay fulfilling nonetheless❤️

It seems to me that when couples part ways, the individuals start drawing divergent lines of life. Some people take longer, some take less, but at some point, there is a rediscovery of the self. Individuals blossom into different beings, and become perfectly aligned with themselves. Their evolution makes clear what they learned from the relationship, but also why they broke up.

And when they meet again, more or less by chance, in their - at times - awkward and unnatural conversations, it seems to me, that there is a mutual realisation to no longer share much. Or rather, to still share a lot (the memory of what was, the affection, the sense of security) but almost nothing in terms of who they are now.

Interestingly, the lines the two of us have been drawing since we broke up seem (in my eyes) to be converging more and more. It may also be that we were starting from more distant points than others. That while we were together we were more dissimilar than couples around us. Nevertheless, when I speak to you now your words reach me more powerfully than ever. I see you, and feel seen, in real time, for who we are now, and not in function of what was. We both recognise each other's transformation. We smile as we think back on all the talks we've entertained in the past to, uselessly, convince each other to change.

I reach this realisation with a surprising serenity. The doubt that - maybe this is the time for us - is present. Yet, I don't allow it to consume me. It doesn't matter. I have you now; you are a part of me, more than ever before. I carry you with me often through my days and my experiences. I surrender, or maybe I have trust, in the fact that if the lines we draw continue to converge, sooner or later meeting again will be inevitable. And if not, I am not worried. I am not afraid. The fondness that we share is so tangible and boundless that I never miss you. You are with me.