Mental Illness: A Personal Story

November 9, 2022

A few weeks ago a person reached out to us asking if they could share their personal experience with mental illness. This is their story. Please take the time to read it only when you are in a safe place, both mentally and physically. And to you, dear writer, thank you. We are so grateful you reached out to us and immensely honoured to provide the space for such story and vulnerability❤️

Two years ago, I found myself trapped into a turbulence of mental healthissues that I didn’t know were possible to have. I was diagnosed with a severe Depression, Bipolarism and Derealization. I would wake up in the night and seedark men approaching me, blood on the walls, the thought of cutting myself and suicide would always populate my mind and I had no rest. Some days I wouldnever even recognize the people in my life, and I had no one to turn to. I started eating less, I never went out, people scared me, and I felt weird vibesaround them, my arms were always scarred with deep, red cuts and plenty offriends of mine abandoned me because they feared me. My parents didn’t allow meto sleep in the same room as my sister for they were afraid I would hurt her;they would lock the kitchen doors to prevent me from taking the knives and tookturns to watch me during the nights. I was sleep deprived since panic attacksnever let me breath and rest normally, I felt the walls suffocating me and myhead exploding. Obviously, later I discovered that these conditions were theresults of some traumas I had to face as a kid and a teenager.

My therapist and my psychiatrist saved my life. They prescribed me the right medications, which I am still on since it is a long process and supported me with therapy sessions. I lost two years of my life. I am two years behind at university, many people still avoid me, I have scars I don’t know if I will ever heal but I feel stronger now and more emotionally connected to people.

I decided to share my story to help whoever feels or felt the same way as me to comfort them: it is possible to heal from mental health illnesses, do not be afraid, they can be cured. If you see a person struggling with these conditions please don’t run but hug them and let them feel your support.