Listen to Energy!

November 24, 2021

This piece outlines the importance of listening to energy when you relate to others and trusting how you feel when you are with them!

Some of the things I overthink sound like: are people really genuine? Do they truly believe in what they’re standing for? Are they nice because they’re nice or are they nice because they need something? Or want to appear in a certain way? Are they telling me what they think or what they think I want to hear? Am I genuine, nice, truthful?

I am reaching the realisation that perhaps this rumination would stop if I would just stop creating an idea of people based on what they tell me about themselves or their world views. Thing is, I’m obsessed with words. They seem to stick to my mind before I can realise what they mean. They follow me like music does when you have a tune in your head you can’t stop humming to. I’ve always thought that how people want to represent themselves through the use of language says a lot about who they truly are. But maybe not. Maybe if I start listening to how I feel when I’m with them, if I’m at peace, if I feel real. How I feel after spending time with them, if I’m energised, or drained, or feel insecure. Perhaps energy gives a clearer picture of people than do words. Words are so beautiful they sway me away. But words are fragile, I can’t trust them. Energy is steady, truthful, it doesn’t lie to you.