Destiny and the Future

March 10, 2021

This short piece of writing is a stream of consciousness on destiny. The writer tries to express what destiny is to them: how it works, what affects it, what it affects. It seems like destiny is something fixed in every moment, but can change as time passes. Can you relate to this view of destiny? Do you think destiny is malleable or not? What is destiny to you?

Somedays I think that we have no power to change what’s written for us, our destiny. Other days I think we really do have that power. That’s probably because I have a weird conception about destiny… destiny is something that is fixed, it's not going to change, but just in this moment. Now you have a certain destiny, but as soon as you finish to read this sentence, it has already changed. Basically, it’s only fixed in a specific instant, but changing each successive instant. Destiny is something that is going to happen whether you like it or not, it is a sort of algorithm of all we’ve said and done up to this moment. None of this probably makes sense, but it does inside my head. We write our own destiny, we create something that is unchangeable in an instant, and in that instant you have no power of changing it. It happens that it changes because you do and say things as time passes, but it’s not "exerting a power". It’s simply living your life and creating something that will affect you in the future. You and your destiny go hand in hand, affecting each other. There’s a bi-directionality of energies that go beyond "power". There’s no power, there’s just life, ironically something that is more powerful than power. 

When unexpected events occur, such as someone’s life ending in a blink of an eye, without a reason, all my thoughts crumble. You’re crossing the street and you are run over by a car. Anything that is not biologically-driven, anything in which you have absolutely no saying. Is that destiny? Was that really written for you? How could your actions and words bring you to that? I don’t know.