Test Anxiety

June 18, 2021

Test anxiety is a psychological condition characterized by intense fear and excessive stress in an exam, which lowers performance ability. Can you relate to this? What are the symptoms of test anxiety? What are the causes? How can it be treated?


The article will cover the following points:

·     What is test anxiety?

·     What can cause test anxiety?

·     How can we decrease test anxiety?


What is test anxiety?

A bit of stress can help you perform at optimal levels, as high arousal levels can contribute to an efficient performance. However, when this stress or anxiety is considered overwhelming, it can negatively affect your performance in an examination. This phenomenon is called test anxiety.

You may have prepared well; you are aware of the information you had to learn, and you have acquired the knowledge. But your mind still goes blank, you feel like you are unable to retrieve information…

Not everyone shows the same levels of test anxiety. When symptoms are mild, there is less interference with test performance. On the other hand, if symptoms of test anxiety are severe, individuals’ performance is impaired and may even cause a panic attack.

The physical symptoms of test anxiety involve sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, fainting [1]. More severe symptoms include nausea and vomiting [3]. In addition, symptoms can also be cognitive and behavioral [3]. For instance, avoidance strategies may come in play, like not going to class, while some might even turn to alcohol and drugs.Problems with concentration, learning, memory, and negative self-talk are also common symptoms. Lastly, the emotional type of symptoms focusses on decreased self-esteem, fear, anger, hopelessness or even depression [3].


What can cause test anxiety?

The cause of test anxiety is not usually attributed to one sole factor, but a combination of effects [3].

A possible cause of test anxiety if unpreparedness[4]. That is, your anxiety depends on how prepared you are. Moreover, the fear and urge to avoid failure might affect test anxiety, by placing a lot of pressure on yourself [4]. Previous unsatisfactory testing experience can also create anxiety and a less positive attitude

towards future tests [4].

This psychological condition can also be attributed to biological causes [3]. Adrenaline is a hormone released when we are feeling stressed, such as right before taking an exam. This hormone is involved in the“fight-or-flight” response, a response that provides two options: to deal with the stressful situation or avoid it. Many times, adrenaline aids in dealing with stressful events by making you feel alert. Other times, however, the stress symptoms can become so exaggerated, disturbing the individual’s concentration and attention while taking a test. The presence of the physical symptoms mentioned above make the stress symptoms worse.

Mental causes should be considered too, such as expectations [3].To be more precise, it is more likely to exhibit test anxiety if you expect abad grade on an examination result. This process can be presented as a vicious cycle. By already having a stressful experience in an exam, individuals focus on a fear of the fact that it might happen again in increased anxiety levels, which later leads them to feel helpless.

How can we decrease test anxiety?

1.    Oneway to decrease test anxiety is to prepare as well as possible, you should feel comfortable and confident about the information and knowledge that will be tested [3].

2.    Try to disconfirm any negative thoughts that might come to your mind [3].As it was mentioned earlier, negative thoughts that harm your self-esteem, such as “I do not think I can do this”, feed the vicious cycle of test anxiety.

3.    Make sure you have slept enough hours. It has been shown that sleep increases your concentration and memory levels [2].

4.    If you feel anxious during the test, take a few deep breaths, and complete the exam step by step [2]. By taking those deep breaths your body will become more relaxed and you will feel calmer 

5.    Try some relaxation techniques before you got to bed or before your exam: body scan, guided imagery, breath focus…

6.    Don’t listen to those who say that test anxiety is not a thing! It can truly affect you.

7.    Some people may also turn to a therapist and be treated with medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy!

If you are interested and would like to know more, here are some additional resources:

1.    TestAnxiety -

2.    How to Overcome Test Anxiety -















1.     Gotter, A. (2017, April 25). WhatIs Test Anxiety? Healthline.

2.     Test anxiety: Can it be treated? (2017, August 3). Mayo Clinic.

3.     Test Anxiety Can Make It Difficultto Do Well on Exams.(2021). Verywell Mind.

4.     UNC-Chapel Hill Learning Center.(2021, February 4). Test Anxiety –. Learning Center.